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WATCH: Juniperian withdraws recognition of Israel

On May 14th, Foreign Minister Ishan Jha delivered a 4-minute-long speech regarding the state of affairs between Juniperia and Israel. In the speech, he condemned Israel's continued violence against Palestine, and the hyper-nationalistic tendency of its far right government. He also condemned Netanyahu, an Israeli official. "Juniperia will no longer recognize the evils committed by Israel, and will withdraw its recognition at the earliest possible convenience" Juniperia though, has not decided to support HAMAS or other groups, these groups are known to have committed violent acts. The Foreign Minister states that he supports a solution that wcreated an equal area for all. The move was made after several officials had voiced opposition to Israel, including Prince Artin of Dessau-Bonn, a contender for Deputy PM alongside Louie Hoorizadeh.

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